Thursday, April 3, 2014

Shit Hits the Fan Street!!!

No, I dont know what the title means, yes I know thats also our address right now, but I still don't know waht that means, Rahul (One of the Co-Bloggers) suggested this and we are  going ahead with it just because we like the sound of it (and until Ashay (Another Co-Blogger(O!! Bracket inside a bracket, this is really cool!!!(Can I keep doing this??(Ummm...Maybe not))) can come up with something better, he has been known to be quite experienced in matters of SHIT. I better close this bracket now, its getting really long, ok ). So, as I was saying before this never-ending bracket, I have no idea what the name means.

But I do know the feeling behind it, what it really means,  its spirit(way to get mushy, this will definitely get the girls going(ok enough with the brackets already)). It means Shit!!!

Apart from Fuck(ok F**k(don't get offended please)), perhaps Shit is the most versatile word around, you can use it almost anywhere and everywhere in every context, to every situation. And its less offensive, people don't mind it that much, its a natural thing after all (as if Fuck (ok F**k) is not).
But you get the gist. So Shits got everything going for it, nice utility, less offensive, people use it a lot so its quite popular.

We take in a lot of stuff (shit)  day in day out from a lot of people around us, and we just felt it was time now to give some of it  back to the world. So this is our way of protesting against anything shitty in the world. You may think this is a place to rant (it is indeed that). If you also want to join in on the ranting do let us know, we may have a few(a lot) vacancies here.

 So, looking forward to putting out a lot of similar shit in the future (and I'm sure getting it back as well). As they say: Shit happens (they say Love happens (depends on who is "they"(shut the brackets up))))

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