Sunday, April 27, 2014

The thing about ART

You look at a painting, a sculpture, or any piece of art for that matter, how do you judge it? how do you decide if its good or bad. Do you have to be an expert in the field to criticise it? Or you can just go ahead and tear apart someone’s hard work just like that, someone's sweat( and blood in some cases) should be given some respect right? But what if in spite of all the hard work and skill its just not good enough, or at least you just don't like it that much to come up with something good about it?

The thing is, anything creative is a recipe for great disappointments as well as great joy. Whatever you may do, how so ever good you may be, you cannot escape criticism (I am not going to re-count all the great artists in history who have been ridiculed and then later celebrated for the same works(the list is too long and don't feel like so much research) any-who). Bottom line is, you cannot escape criticism, and its important to not let it get to you.

So the real question is not how  you as an audience respond to a piece of art(you can say whatever you want), but instead, how the artist responds to the wide range of responses he can get from a wide range of audiences. Without sounding preachy, I just want to say, as an artist, you are already doing something great by pouring your heart out onto a canvas, or a piece of paper, (or a blog post :P) you don't need to subject yourself to the pain of criticism, at least not take it too seriously. And also, not take the appreciation too seriously as well, create something only because it makes you happy, not for an ego massage from yes men. Let onlookers have their opinion and be amused by it, that's all.

I know all this is easier said than done but that doesn't mean it shouldn't  be said at all. Our eternal desire for appreciation leads us to use our creativity to sell ourselves, we can be on the top of the world one day and at the bottom of the ocean the next. The trick is, to manage to stay on the  the same surface every day. :)

Saturday, April 26, 2014


The Year of Our Emperor Maximilian
3:5240:Day 23
5 bulos to port Aldaeron

Standing over the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the Atrax desert, the man took a deep breath.. Pondering over what he and the last of his remaining band of rebels and misfits had seen over the last week.. Parched throats and weary bodies were more of a welcome relief now.. With what had been chasing them since the Forests of Muino, the howls and screams were etched in his mind.. Piercing at his conscience with each passing moment.. Not the finest chain mail nor the swords from the skilled blacksmiths of Brathenwark could have saved the poor souls from what had befallen the now ragged remains of the 67th legion.. Magus Andarion joined the man now and looked across at the distant snow capped peaks of Armen, beyond which lay Ravenshold, the lost city now believed to be haunted by the Arcane and the unknown"Seems we should have asked for more for all this... Trouble.. Don't ya think? Wonder what's to come in Aldaeron.. We are still many bulos away from Elkaar.. That bastard better be ready.. All em rumours regarding his legion.." The raven haired man barely batted an eye lid, ignoring the words spoken by the Mage. Instead, he focused on a small speck in the sky.. Slowly growing larger as it approached the pair of men, an odd contrasts of sorts.. the sinewy frame of the man was complimented by a blood stained armour of Moinlesten steel and a large oak shield on which his fingernails seemed to play a slow rhythmic beat... As the speck grew larger, the kestrel landed on the man's left shoulder with a small roll tied to its feet.. The man now turned his attention to the roll as he reached it for one handed, without missing a beat in the oak shield.. Unfurling the scroll, he betrayed no emotion and with an almost inaudible grunt, he stroked the kestrel and folded the paper away into the folds of his woollen shirt, tucked snugly beneath the heavy chain linked armour which were stained in purple.. Andarion gazed at him, hoping to elucidate a response from his companion.. None came... Time passed and with the skies turning a heliotrope hue, the man finally looked down to see the lamps burning bright in the sleepy seaport below as the inhabitants slowly began their preparations for the festival of La'Niestro Crila.. With one hand on his infamous scimitar, the man finally lifted the oak shield with the other onto his back and turned to Andarion.. "Grim tidings. No more 68th to support us on our voyage. This town may not see another Crila, Andarion. Best we move swiftly and without attracting their attention." Andarion wasn't surprised by the man's decision. "As you wish, Lord Vorin. Isn't there a way to warn the denizens?".. Elkaar turned slowly to unsheathe his scimitar, radiant and glowing with an opal hue feeding of the magic stone in its pommel.. "Evil comes for this land, Andarion.. Fate weaves it's own thread for each of us.. For the people below, it seems the conjecture is with an untimely Death.. One whose avoidance isn't as vital as the Emperors orders." As he turned to walk away with his back to the panorama behind him, Andarion shivered inspite of the blazing heat of the desert.. It was no wonder that few men didn't pee themselves when they met the Scourge of Ashda, Lord Elkaar Vorin.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

They lost a plane!!!

They did, didn't they? And now, they can't even find the debris. I mean that is so unfathomably ridiculous. They have been to the moon, they send out space ships and robots to Mars, apparently they even found traces of water there, but no, no traces of Flight MH370 on our good ol Earth.

That is so hard to believe, with all the technology in the world, they would lose an Airplane of all things. Its not like they have to find a needle in a haystack, ok maybe, you can say that the earth is so huge, and finding that plane is like a needle in a haystack, but its still not, is it? I mean, they had all the information possible, they were tracking its flight path, with all that Air Traffic Controllers, there is constant communication of the pilots with Air port ground staffs, all the safety measures that Airlines take these days.(Its not like it was a balloon on a trip around the world(Even those balloons can get tracked these days))This is the sort of situtation Airlines prepare themselves to handle, with all those measures they take, and yet, when something like this happens, they don't know how it has happened, and they don't know where the freakin' plane has gone. All this seems too fantastical, and I wouldn't be surprised if JJ Abrams gets an idea to make a TV series out of it (O wait, he already did it 10 years ago didn't he(did he do the time jumping thing and create the series from events in the future?? its too ridiculous to believe, but then again what isn't these days, end of brackets))

It sure does make flying a very scary experience now, more so for the so many already nervous fliers. And God knows what Malaysian Airlines will have to do win its credibility back (personally, I feel it should just be shutdown and all the top officials should be sent to jail (but then again, I'm the weird guy who talks in brackets! don't listen to me)). And imagine how badly this will hit Malaysian tourism(one of their formost industries), will people still want to come to Malaysia and travel Malaysian Airline?? (Malaysia-truly Asia anyone??) God only knows, but they are certainly not helping their case with the search operation. I just get the feeling someone somewhere has made a teriibly stupid mistake, and they don't have balls to admit it now, they are trying a major international  cover up.(Yes I have just watched "The Fifth Estate" and this feeling might be an effect of that, but still!!)

Efforts to find the debris are ongoing , and many nations are trying their best, while it has already been declared that all aboard are dead and family members should not expect anyone of the 238 aboard to come back, but finding the debris might be very important in bringing closure to the loved ones of the 238. It is important that the "people in power" realise this and get some concrete details about the whereabouts of the flight.

I know what I am saying has already been said many a times  before and hardly anyone of importance is ever going to read this (please don't mind but you are certainly not the Malaysian Prime Minister) but  as I said in my earlier post, we are here to unload (quite literally!!!) our minds and we shall never miss an oppurtunity to inflict this pain on the rest of the world. Shit ON.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Shit Hits the Fan Street!!!

No, I dont know what the title means, yes I know thats also our address right now, but I still don't know waht that means, Rahul (One of the Co-Bloggers) suggested this and we are  going ahead with it just because we like the sound of it (and until Ashay (Another Co-Blogger(O!! Bracket inside a bracket, this is really cool!!!(Can I keep doing this??(Ummm...Maybe not))) can come up with something better, he has been known to be quite experienced in matters of SHIT. I better close this bracket now, its getting really long, ok ). So, as I was saying before this never-ending bracket, I have no idea what the name means.

But I do know the feeling behind it, what it really means,  its spirit(way to get mushy, this will definitely get the girls going(ok enough with the brackets already)). It means Shit!!!

Apart from Fuck(ok F**k(don't get offended please)), perhaps Shit is the most versatile word around, you can use it almost anywhere and everywhere in every context, to every situation. And its less offensive, people don't mind it that much, its a natural thing after all (as if Fuck (ok F**k) is not).
But you get the gist. So Shits got everything going for it, nice utility, less offensive, people use it a lot so its quite popular.

We take in a lot of stuff (shit)  day in day out from a lot of people around us, and we just felt it was time now to give some of it  back to the world. So this is our way of protesting against anything shitty in the world. You may think this is a place to rant (it is indeed that). If you also want to join in on the ranting do let us know, we may have a few(a lot) vacancies here.

 So, looking forward to putting out a lot of similar shit in the future (and I'm sure getting it back as well). As they say: Shit happens (they say Love happens (depends on who is "they"(shut the brackets up))))